The above article is about food banks in Bath, but could so easily be about our food bank or any other food bank in the UK. We too have noticed that people have taken items from our collection points, but these are isolated incidents and these are unprecedented times. We're not here to make judgements.
In the vast scheme of things this kind of behaviour is fairly rare and is unimportant. What is more important is that we pull together as a community and look out for each other.
Yes, our supplies are low and we are struggling to buy in bulk as we usually do. As always we rely on the kindness and generosity of the general public and the local community never fails us. Please keep donating to us, if you can. At the time of writing, our collection points are still open ( and we are continuing to operate as best we can.
You could also help us further by checking on your neighbours, particularly the elderly and those who are self isolating, to ensure that they have the essentials they need to get by. This will take some of the strain off our food bank and will make life a little more bearable and positive for us all.
Stay safe, look after each other and support your local food bank! 😊