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Bradford Metropolitan Food Bank works hard for those in need across the District. We are always grateful for donations from individuals and organisations. 


Financial Donations


To donate money to the food bank's work, please visit our donating page

We welcome regular donations via standing order. This helps us to budget for future plans. Our bank details are:

Account name: Bradford Metropolitan Food Bank 
Sort code: 08-92-99
A/c no: 65225833


A note about Gift Aid

If you are a UK tax-payer, please complete this online form so that we can claim Gift Aid on your donations, meaning more money to the food bank. Thank you. 

You do not need to do this if you are donating via our Givey giving page.

If you already make a regular donation but haven't completed a gift aid form, please fill in the online form so we can claim the additional funds. Thank you!


Cheque donations


Please make cheques payable to Bradford Metropolitan Food Bank and send to the following address:

Bradford Metropolitan Food Bank

Girlington Community Centre

Girlington Road




Food donations


We welcome donations of non-perishable food items:


Tins - of MEAT, FISH, beans, soup, spaghetti, beans, fruit,

vegetables, rice pudding, custard

Jars - of COFFEE, PEANUT BUTTER, pasta sauce, jams, preserves,
Packets - of TEA, CEREAL, rice, pasta, cous cous, crisps, biscuits,

cereal and snack bars, super noodles, dried fruit
Cartons - of LONG LIFE MILK, custard


Please see our Collection Points page for more information, or get in touch if you have a bulk donation in need of collection. If you would like to host a food collection point at your place of work or worship, we would love to talk to you so get in touch!



Voluntieering Group
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